The day of the Olympics opening in Beijing, occurring in between two eclipses in the signs of Leo and Aquarius and the North Node conjunct Chiron - the chart of the Anima Mundi shows that the spotlight on Beijing ultimately brings up two main issues - the quality of the Air and China's attitude to human rights.
It was written back in March 1345 in a statement by the medical faculty in Paris, that the Mars, Saturn and Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius at that time explained the “Corruption of the air” and the Black Death. Today we have Chiron exactly conjunct the North Node in Aquarius it's easy to see that the country with the a fifth of the worlds population is one of the biggest contributors to the corruption of our air. Perhaps it is a lucky day for the world, a blessing in disguise that highlights the problem on the biggest world stage - the Olympic Arena. If our over ready champions battle it out and we see that some don't make it to the finish line, because they are gasping for air hopefully conscious awareness of this problem will grow. There could be no better way to show us all the frightening reality of these implications and how affected we all are, how we have all contributed and continue to contribute to air quality. Air an Aquarian element belongs to all, but we continue to see global issues addressed by ignorant and militant governments like China - as not being anyone's business , how they treat their people and indeed what they put into their air. Air pollution kills 656,000 Chinese each year, and 95,600 thousand from polluted water. Chiron conjunct North Node indicates the need for healing these issues as a major priority, the healing of global world direction.
It makes you sick when you think of all the handshakes, the pretense, the money involved with the Olympics as a global farce, an extreme attempt to show each other that all is well in this world, we are all friends, instead of facing up to what's really going on. As China shows off how well their country is doing, proud and happy with their achievements,(Leo- Sun, Mercury) well I'm so glad it's in smog and all the world can see, symbolic of the covers ups the not wanting to see what's really going on and perhaps waking more of us up to try and see beyond the veils of deceit cover up and deception.(Neptune-Aquarius)
Today also in Melbourne 16 Men have been arrested for the biggest ever ecstasy bust in the world where somewhere over 4 tonnes of ecstasy have been seized from a container which arrived a year ago and with the tablets being concealed in Italian tomato tins.
Mars(the cops) Virgo(the well worked out operation) opposes Uranus Pisces (the Dealers ), a Scorpio Moon (Exposing the cover up and huge amounts of money) - Neptune(lies, deception, drugs) opposite Mercury (the trickster, mastermind, clarity) all make up a great story of this incredible bust with a market value beyond comprehension.
So as the world turns we see forever the stories on earth that synchronize with the heavens - but I ask what are we doing about it?