After watching “The Choice 2008” last night on SBS a doco examining the history and politics of the US presidential candidates Obama and Mc Cain, I thought it time to document my idea of who would win this election next week. This documentary gave me a good idea of the baggage that comes with McCain, his profile indicates he has too much negative karma attached, the wounds and scars of war and his rise in the political system stemming from his wartime accolades. The fairness, straightforwardness and idealism that comes with Obama’s background , his need to serve the people was clearly evident. Haven’t we had enough of war influenced politicians, time to move on. With Obama’s long serving catch cry - Change - it seems appropriate that with Uranus and Saturn aligned in an exact opposition on election day - we can hope for Change.
Saturn and Uranus could also indicate no change, a stalemate, but I prefer to see the Saturn opposite Uranus as a strong indicator that change will manifest, perhaps we are more determined and focused on these changes than ever.
The other night I did a tarot reading , asking the question “who will win the US election”.I did a pyramid spread of 5, then 4, then 3, then 2, then one card knowing this would give a more definite answer. The run up to candidates was evident in the spread with a definite female causing havoc in the race in the third line. The third line indicated issues and concerns about money and possessions with the 5 of Pentacles Card, The Moon card, an indication that the whole nation and many more people are in tune to this event, and the Queen of Wands perhaps Palin being a nuisance. The second last line came up with the King of Cups and a Page of Swords - an old guy and a new guy. The top card came out - as the Knight of Swords. This could only be the young guy being elevated to knighthood.
After attending a panel of astrologers in Melbourne where different speakers looking at Charts of the candidates and their running mates, tried to ascertain the outcome, i thought that personally I don’t think that an outcome can be seen in the personal Astro charts of the candidates. Although this event being one the biggest in their lives, was not showing up clearly in either natal charts, therefore could not be clearly defined. A Horary led to a Mc Cain win, Mundane outlooks were done using various US Charts, but no one used an Ingress chart. My preference would be the Mundane outlook and looking at Ingress charts for Washington DC for the Libra Ingress of 2008, it defines the national weather so to speak, for the next quarter.
For the Libra chart Scorpio rises with an eighth house moon , giving the feeling of underlying serpent energy rising. Some would say, but Scorpio is a fixed sign - yes - but it indicates transformation and change. Hanging on does not serve Scorpio energy well . Uranus sits in the 4th effecting a deep down change in the home of the nation. Scorpio has guts and nerve and so does Uranus.
So many aspects can be looked at to see what will happen, but again nothing is ever so clear in astrology. Election day begins with Uranus in the 4th of DC chart, Saturn at 18 Virgo - has a Sabian symbol of “ a swimming race” - both are in the race, and Uranus ‘ sabian symbol - “a master instructing his pupil “. If the old guy is Saturn and Uranus the young guy , the old guy is in the race but Uranus is a master, Uranus doesn’t change degree that day, because it is retrograde, but Saturn does to “An automobile Caravan” perhaps symbolising Saturn moving away . The retrograde Uranus, more determined and not giving up, being closer to the earth and symbolic of what is now needed here the most. Mercury changes signs too that day and so does the Moon. To me this is extremely changeable energy.
Well we have to wait for the outcome to see, but the symbolic language of astrology is perhaps the best way to see what will happen. Don’t forget the intention of change that goes with the times we are living through. We are living in extremely transformative times, with Pluto at 29 Sag, the threshold of a new beginning. So lets not be afraid to ask for it as well as believe in the unprecedented global intention that comes with this historic event. Go Obama - Knight of Swords.