On April the 12th 2009 Neptune Returns to it's discovery degree and minute, which it will do exactly twice more during it's one year return as he hovers at this point in the heavens. A birthday that lasts a year, deservedly so, as he is a big inspirational influence in our lives.
The C*I*A wanted to host an Artshow for his Birthday, that may still come together, but like all Neptunian things, the Art show has disappeared for now. A few dedicated agents, however, are working on something that suits Neptune in Aquarius perfectly, and that is a Film about Neptune. So stay tuned throughout 2009.
As we can see (see below chart), for Neptune's 1st birthday, Neptune's closest allies during this return are, Chiron and Jupiter, which bring our focus to the exaggerated need for the healing of our planet. A need for equal communities working together to make this world a better place. Interestingly Neptune was first seen by Galileo and his telescopes, but was thought to be a Moon of Jupiter, and this alignment in Aquarius, harks back to this first sighting of Neptune near Jupiter and their close astrological relationship.
These Aquarian planets are squared by a Scorpionic Moon, our challenge is to dig deep to understand what we fear and why we fear, how we are controlled, and why we chose to perhaps not live magically enough. What keeps us away from taking more control of the directions we are heading that affect us all, like where are we heading? who's in charge of our journey? surely it can no longer be God, and what's my transformative role in this global equation.
Mars and Uranus , opposite Saturn, heralds the undercurrent of us all sensing that somethings not exactly right, and acting on it, trusting our instincts and feelings to challenge the systems in place that demand that we can only have faith in the real and the tangible.
Venus - has a step back into beloved Pisces, as though she doesn't want to miss out on a party that celebrates what we want out of life and living here on Earth. At the crucial point of the Zodiac - just behind the Aries zero point, Venus retrogrades in front of our Sun and reminds us strongly to really ask for what we want.

Mercury at 4 degrees Taurus, adds to the Venusian meaning, what do we want. Squaring the nodes, we get the message that our lives depend on it, we are at a crucial point, what has served us in the past needs to be left and learnt from, as we continue to consciously evolve. Mercury trines Pluto, an aspect indicating the conscious transformation of our ideas and thinking, this will help us get what we want, but we just have to trust and believe in what we want, in order to get there.
So for his birthday - crack open champagne, gather your mates and together imagine, discuss and create the image and ideal of the world we all would like to live in. Our ideals can shape our future, but we have to believe that they can or will.
Make the most of the directions given by Neptune and his return, he would like that.
For inspiration for your Party - check out our compilation of Neptune Inspired songs -
add more to the list below - on this blog