That time of year again, when the nation stops because of a horse race. The 12th house rules large animals like horses, and Neptune is associated with horses, so it seems appropriate to say something about a silly horserace. A few years ago Jupiter and Venus aligned in the midheaven during the race and the Favourite won easily. Last year 5 planets in Scorpio aligned in the 9th house of the Melbourne chart, and Delta Blues owned by a Japanese syndicate won the prize.
This time we have, Uranus rising, trine Sun and Mars, indicating perhaps a winner with a name with watery connotations.This draw has a Doplhin Jo, a very watery, sunny and full of energy type of name. Princess Coup works well with the Moon /Venus conjunction sq Pluto/Jupiter,with Uranus rising. Scorpion and Purple Moon also fit the Moon/Venus - Pluto /Jupiter combination. Also Eskimo Queen has an intriguing presence here somewhere. Master O'Reilly and Purple Moon are favourites for the race.Well we'll wait and see - haven't had enough time to look back at past charts. Let us know if you've had a bet on the horses using astro signatures. My bet will be a trifecta - Purple Moon, Dolphin Jo and Princess Coup. Good Luck.
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