During the last week of 2007, Benazir Bhutto was assassinated, David Hicks was finally released and these headlines infiltrated my Dreams. I dreamt that I was the mastermind of a terrorist bombing myself, my friends the people activating the plan, were all in on it by choice, it was to happen at night, perhaps a night club can’t be sure, but throughout the dream it was clear that this was a justified act, needed to be done, there would be sacrifice and victims, but it was all for the greater good.
Quite disturbing to wake and try to find a hint of why I dreamt this. Obviously the events of the past few days were part of it, but then, orchestrating a terrorist act for the greater good, left me itching to sort this one out. What and who am I sacrificing, what part of myself is so determined to to orchestrate a major plan in my life that involves this major act, regardless of the consequences.
Well that’s the frame of mind I entered 2008, pretty intense – it was also a scorching hot week in Melbourne too, when opening Solar fire at 12:02 pm on Jan 1st 2008, for a quick glimpse at the year ahead, like a Horary question – What’s 2008 going to be like for me? - It never ceases to amaze this world of Astrology, looking at charts, glimpsing a sign, perhaps a deeper meaning. The MC for this time was my rising sign and degree, Sagittarius-can’t tell me what to do, what to follow, how to act, the rising of this time was one degree off my sun sign and degree, Pisces - creative, complex, cursed to swim forever searching, yearning , never still, unless completely exhausted. This type of magical moment, makes me feel and know that I opened this at the right time, to glimpse a meaning for the year. Here it was Mars and Pluto exactly opposite in the fourth and tenth houses, trine and sextile the NN, Saturn rx in the sixth, trine 10th house Capricorn Jupiter and Sun, which by transit conjunct my South Node, whilst Saturn transits Uranus.
Well certainly a year of personal transformation, determined, working toward my autonomous goals, a challenge to stay healthy and fit enough to cope with the challenges ahead, letting a few things go on the way, but not giving up, as the ultimate goal is to continue toward the North Node, toward the future, to create visions and follow dreams (12th house an Aquarius).
In the last minutes of Sagittarius, Pluto reminds us all that the visions held and formulated over this Sagittarius period are now moving closer to manifestation, Mars oppositerx in Gemini time to rethink, re-energize, relook at how we are pursuing these goals and visions and at the same time try and be nice about it. The sabian symbol for 30th degree Pluto, is “ The pope blessing the faithful” – are we all on the right path, are we one of the faithful, being blessed to continue by the higher spiritual source, Sagittarius is about faith, grasping a strong sense of our convictions and what drives us (Mars) is the key to this years beginning.
The year 2008 is numerologically a number one year, a New beginning, on the 7th Feb, with a New Moon solar eclipse in Aquarius and the beginning of the year of the Earth Rat, this is also the beginning of the Chinese 12 year cycle and with Pluto soon to enter Capricorn, triggering the zero point of Aries(the beginning of the Zodiac) there is a clear message that 2008 is the year for personal and global transformation, time to get on with what matters and begin to manifest all the goals and visions that have been created over the last 12 year cycle and it’s very important to keep the faith that drives you.
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