Well it's taken a week to recover from the exhaustion of networking, talking, lectures, meeting new and interesting people, having romantic dinners, talking business and laughing and learning late into the night. It all started with the sad news of dear Heath Ledger- when learning of his death and looking at his astrology and death charts, we noticed T Uranus con SN and Saturn returning, with Jupiter and Venus in Pisces with rx Mercurynataly, we understood perhaps few more things about him, than any of the media speculators and paparazzi, whom he hated. Having many planets in Pisces myself and Mercury, I understand an exhausted mind that is unable to switch off or sleep when necessary.
We found ourselves staying in a wing of the Womens College - called of all places and names in the world"Langley", the name of the town in the USA where the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) has their headquarters. For our first conference as the C*I*A , to be staying in "Langley" helped us all to feel ever more synchronized with the magic of what we are building with our Agency and also this seemed to be a cosmic message that we are on the right track.
I think I was as busy as agent 12 - who sent me off on all sorts of missions throughout the weekend, like loading up the website on the computers in the email room, selling T-shirts and networking. Many hilarious things happened, like being mistaken for having a romantic dinner with 37 in a little Italian joint in Newtown, having water poured on us, for smoking on our balcony(everyone else was doing it too) by a"Control" freak up above and relating this to my "Saturn in Aquarius" or perphas it's Saturn now on my MC. As the lawn-dwellers that we became after this episode, we spent time laughing about dramatisations of mars and merc rx. Catching up on many conversations in the mundane astrological world as we watched the red planet above the trees, and the Virgo Moon above the tower, we reflected on our thoughts of the future and left us all always having so much to say and talk about. It was great how our T-shirts grew throughout the conference as more and more people bought them, I missed many lectures but that's because agent 12 had me doing stuff like walking around the Uni and putting C*I*A cards in the graffitti tunnel and taking photos of the fabulous statue of Gilgamesh, so I plan to get some conference tapes and catch up on a few things. I loved that Agent 23 as confrence MC - wore our T-shirt to the closing ceremony - Thanks 23.
Well we are back now and rested - the mind having had a few good sleeps. One dream I remember during the conference, the night after the Pluto in Cap - panel discussion- when we left feeling as though perhaps we should sell up and move to the country buy a good plot of land to store water and grow vegies -
I dreamt in a more lucid state than being deeply unconscious (my Merc in Pisces finding it hard to fall a asleep)
"Building a university of Astrology - locking the gates and sending out information to the world as required " -
perhaps a paranoia of what's to come, the need for validating astrology, deserving of university status, with much important information to share and distribute. Nevertheless a dream that reflects my love of the study of all things astrological, as well as "wouldn't it be great to be an eternal student at uni again - mid life crisis stuff). At the same time the dream held with it a very Pluto in Capricorn feeling, which was - that there is a real strength and huge transformational time ahead for the world of astrology and astrologers, as Pluto moves through Capricorn, it will be unleashing many deeply hidden and resourceful aspects of the creative treasure we have all found and so dearly need to protect.
Anyone remembering other dreams during conference please write in and we can discuss similarities and themes that can help inform us of the depth of experience we all experienced during the conference -
Thanks Sydney organizers for a great conference!
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